we went upstairs and set out the food. ronald mcdonald was there signing autographs and each child that was being adopted received a special gift inside the court room. many familiar faces walked through my path and they all had the same question... "hows seany?" i shared cute stories about the boys and of course flashed a couple of our newest family pictures. with every family that passed by the donut table where i stood, i couldn't help but wonder what their own unique story was. i overheard a young boy probably around 8 or 9 years of age say to a tall man " hi uncle roy, i'm going to be your nephew now", how stinkin sweet is that? hank and i both agreed that alone made us a little teary eyed.
many families were completed that morning and to be a small part of that was awesome. november is probably the best time to have such an event. what a great kick off to the holidays since spending time together as a family is the best part of all.
[uh-dopt]verb (used with object)
to choose or take as one's own; make one's own byselection or assent: to adopt a nickname.
to take and rear (the child of other parents) as one's ownchild, specifically by a formal legal act.
to many this word means exactly as stated, but to those that have survived the process, or those longing to adopt a special little someone to call their own, it goes much deeper than whats written. my obgyn has asked me more than once if i love my adopted son as much as my birth son. she must be kidding right? not only is that a completely inappropriate question to ask, i take it very personal and am highly offended at the same time. of course i love him the same. i love that my children are so different, that is why they are so special to me.
its quite mind blowing when you actually take the time to dissect every aspect of adoption. i sometimes look at my adopted son through a different set of eyes at times. its a feeling like no other, knowing i wasn't involved at all in the creation of his life. i was just as any other stranger going about my day unknowing the day of his birth. after nine months of living with his birth family, everything he had known spiraled out of control and landed him at my front door. my life was forever changed, and for this i thank God. i have been blessed to be the one chosen to pick up all of his shattered little pieces and put them back together. as a mother, this is a little scary. i must do my best to make the pieces fit so snug that i just might be able to put a shiny glaze of modge podge over the finished product some day.
my hat flies to the moon and back for any birth parent that has willingly given up a child, for the sake of wanting them to have more than what they had to offer. i know many people who have adopted as well as a couple adult adoptees. one friend who is waiting anxiously to adopt says one of the most difficult tasks to be completed for her home study was the letter that was to be written to the birth parents. when you do a private adoption it is to my understanding that you write these letters basically saying why you think you should be chosen to raise their child. my friend said it actually made her sad. i thought to myself, what an amazing woman she is. not complaining about the amount of money to be dished to the agency, or the boring home visits that were to be made by the caseworker. she obviously finds it tough to put her feelings in to words, knowing that the end result for the birth parent will ultimately be the loss of their baby. i know she will make an amazing mother.
everyone has their own opinion about adoption,and this is mine.
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