as the big day drew near the boys grew more and more anxious. we had just a few days left to plug in some last minute stuff. seany was dressed to impress and we headed to preschool for a special christmas concert.
we invited our cousins over to partake in the creation of our very own elf bakery. we made tiny elf donuts and mini chocolate cakes!! that lil elf is always so busy hiding in our house surely he deserves some sweet treats to share with his fellow elflett friends:)
the finished product!!! |
christmas eve: the night the magic happens!! we spent the evening with the ones we love and missed the ones that linger above.
grandma christmas 2010 |
my cousin jay with his brothers christmas 2009
seany swears that the following pictures are indeed santa clause
hmmm? what do you think? it's a toss up!
the time had finally arrived!! we never forget to sprinkle our reindeer food on the front lawn and off to bed we scurry.
after the company has gone and the children are tucked snug in their beds, i love to stare at the tree lit so beautifully in the corner. the presents counted underneath are more than just that. to me i can count them as blessings. i'm blessed with a hard working husband that provides the money in which i can purchase the gifts. also i am blessed with two beautiful children and a loving family in which i can purchase the gifts for.
the paper survived long enough to snap a few pictures of two cute little boys wearing sleepy faces:)
they tore through the paper, and appeared to be pleasantly surprised.
later that day we headed over to mee maw and paw paw's for some more holiday cheer!! we all had such a great christmas!!!
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