

Monday, September 16, 2013

so random

my boys started school.
all is well for seany.
hes rocking this kindergarten gig.

vito was excited to start at his new preschool.
unfortunately he has cried every day i drop him off.
vito's tears make mommy sad:-(

cooler days are great for one of our favorite past times...nature walks.
or nature runs.

collecting acorns is always fun!

silly boys!!!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

a trip to the beach

what a treat to have the beach as our backyard for a whole week! the boys and i said goodbyes to daddy and drove off  with my girlfriend and her four boys.  yes, i said her four boys.  soo we had 6 boys in one car, my seany being the oldest! yes i know, we are nuts!!

sun~water~sand...what more could you ask for?

pirate cruise...tons of fun!

thank God for friends that let you tag along on their beach vacations!!