

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Anegeles senior pics

 my seany has a godmother named angel.
angel has a sister named anegeles.
anegeles asked me if i would take her senior photos.
i said yes.
here's a handful of them!!

shes such a doll :-)

Friday, October 25, 2013

seany is 6

i love the way you say i love you, every single day
i love the way your small voice sounds, each night when we pray

i'm very proud of each and everything that you do
i know exactly what your thinking when i look at you

your growing so big and  fast, right before my eyes
you'll always be my baby bear, this is not a lie

our sweet seany bear turned 6 on tuesday!!!!

daddy took off work and we all met seany in the school cafeteria for a special birthday lunch.

i want my boys to have lots of special memories from their birthdays
later that evening we met the grandparents for dinner and presents

i must say 6 looks good on my boy
love you more that life bear!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

well hello fall

well hello there fall, so nice for you to join us!
did someone say pumpkin patch...heck ya!

4 little pumpkins sitting on the them

so much fun even though it was a bit on the chilly side.

am i the only one who refuses to purchase a pumpkin, at the pumpkin patch?see that big pumpkin for $8.00...i got four that look just like it, maybe even better...$2.50 each.  go ahead call me cheap:-/

next topic.

seany lost his first tooth!!
kyluan also lost a tooth the exact same day!!