

Sunday, October 14, 2012

little this and that

so for whatever reason i feel like i have not much to say lately?  but this girl did remember to embrace the camera this week!!

i took the boys to the zoo on friday morning.  we were super excited to see all the fall and halloween decorations!  i was taking a pic of the boys by this pumpkin when out of nowhere a kind zoo volunteer popped up and asked if i wanted to get in the pic with the boys?  of course i do...thanks so much!

more zoo pics...

the boys are so excited about halloween this year.  vito had been eagerly waiting to put up our spooky decorations.  finally on the first of october we dug out the boxes and set out our collection of stuff.  vito is still very concerned about the skeleton trapped in the cage.

"who put him in this cage mommy", "can we let him out daddy", "he doesn't like it in there".  good lord all this talking and asking questions about the gosh darn skeleton, he's kinda got me feeling bad for the poor dude:-(
can someone please let him out of there!!!!

sorry if you can't find any halloween books at the library, pretty sure they have all been checked out by this kid.

halloween costume shopping? check that off the list!

seany got to spend his special day with his grandma and grandpa schwartz!  vito was flying solo with mommy and daddy!

enjoying fall to the fullest :)

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